After Ginkaku-ji, we took the ‘alternative’ Philosopher’s Path to Honen-in temple. Very few people there, small, secluded, great feel to this place. Fountains with camellias floating in them – lovely. Dan spent some time recording bird and wind sounds. Tiny inchworm. Very cold day – thought I had dressed warmly enough, but I hadn’t.
Continued to walk through neighborhoods toward Nanzen-ji. Connected to the Philospher’s Walk along the river and followed that – very nice, some flowers still blooming. Quite hungry and need to eat lunch. Found highly-recommended udon place – but long wait. Went looking for other options, surprisingly few considering how many people visit the area. Refreshing, but was really in need of soemthing to eat. Spotted a menu for another noodle shop down the alley and went in. Tiny place run by an older couple, very friendly. Nice bowl of udon warmed me up a bit.